I've seen this issue reported before but none of the suggestions I've found seemed to help.
I have a closed network (no internet/external access) and run SEPM and am on version 12.1.4013.4013.
My servers is Windows Server 2012R2.
I manually download the jdb files from http://www.symantec.com/security_response/definiti...
Drop the file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\data\inbox\content\incoming
It creates the upzip directory, but eventually the install dies and I get a xxxx.jdb.err file. Sometimes ~1 in 10 it leaves the unpack directory after failing.
the semlu.log relevant info....
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] INFO(Med) SesmLu Notifying server about new LiveUpdate content
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] INFO(Low) ProductUtil ConfProp: scm.http.port=9090
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] INFO(Med) TomcatServerXml Entered Init().
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] ERROR ProductUtil Initialize Tomcat server xml file failed.
at ProductUtil.cpp[1046]
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] INFO(Med) SesmLu\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Symantec\Symantec%20Endpoint%20Protection%20Manager\data\inbox\content\tmp38531088.tmp&Hash=125FE26C613A7FA8B86F4126EBBFF4EA&Language=SymAllLanguages&Product=SEPM%20Virus%20Definitions%20Win32%2012.1%20RU2%20H&SequenceNum=140825025&SequenceTag=CurDefs&ServerMoniker={D2EE983B-0AB4-F6D4-00BE-1539CD0C259E}&Version=MicroDefsB.CurDefs&action=UploadLuContent
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] ERROR SesmLu InternetOpenUrl failedat SesmLu.cpp[1713]
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] ERROR SesmLu Failed to notify SESM servlet of new LiveUpdate package.at SesmLu.cpp[1465]
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] INFO(Med) SesmLu Notified server about new LiveUpdate content
09/09 11:07:36 [2890:22f4] ERROR SesmLu Fail to notify server of new content.at SesmLu.cpp[621]
I uninstalled/reinstalled the LiveUpdate component.
I found and followed a procedure that suggested deleting folders from C:\program files\symantec\symantec endpoint protection manager\Inetpub\content\{C60DC234-65F9-4674-94AE-62158EFCA433}" folder and move all of the subfolders to another place, such as C:\Temp if you want a backup, otherwise delete the sub-folders. And then deleting the registry shared defs directory and shared def registry entries, but I did not have those shared defs folders/ or registry settings (so I did not go further with that assuming that procedure is very old and no longer relevant).
So I am not really sure where to look next.
Interesting, I have a mirror suite of equipment (same install base) and those jdb files install correctly.