Our customer has been trying to upload MP5 PUP for the SYMANTEC GATEWAY EMAIL ENCRYPTION WITH
ENCRYPTION SERVER v3.3.2. They get a message that the PUP file is uploaded but after that the file does not appear in the list of available updates, so the update cannot be applied. They realize they did not have enough space on the disk to upload the update, but strangely the message says that the file is uploaded. This server is a VMWare virtual machine and we thought the easisest way to extend the disk space on the server was to mount another 10GB disk on the folder /var/lib/ovid/updates/ so that the updates can be uploaded. On the main disk they have a bit more than 1GB of free space. We tried to upload it again but the same thing happened again.
Is there any other folder (appart from the one mentioned) that receives large ammount of data during an upload of PUP or its extraction?
Can the update be completed this way or we should extend the main disk and forget about adding another one?