This is the process I use to configure Content Distribution Manager for SEP 12.1.6.
- SEP 12.1.6 installation media
- SEP 12.1.6 SEPM server
Configure the SEPM Server
Steps to enable Apache Logs on each SEPM server:
1. Access SEPM_INSTALL\apache\conf folder and take backup of httpd.conf file
2. In httpd.conf file, enable access and error logging and set LogLevel to info.
a. Error log: Uncomment #ErrorLog "|| bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/error-%Z.log 100M", change log file name format and log rotation to 24 hours.
Modified line: ErrorLog "|| bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/error-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400"
b. Access log: Uncomment #CustomLog "|| bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/access-%Z.log 100M" combined, change log file name format and log rotation to 24 hours.
Modified line: CustomLog "|| bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/access-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400" combined
c. LogLevel: Change LogLevel from warn to info.
Modified line: LogLevel info
3. Restart Apache (net stop semwebsrv and net start semsrv).
Install Content Distribution Manager
1. On the SEPM server, browse to installation media folder, Tools, ContentDistributionMonitor.
2. Copy SepmMonitor.bat to E:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Tools.
3. SepmMontor can be run from here but I create a shortcut for SepmMontor on the desktop.