09:56:53 INFO Initializing removal engine...
09:56:53 INFO Engine version: 12.1.4100.4126
09:56:53 INFO Engine initalized succesfully.
09:56:53 INFO [1/22]: Scanning Windows Installer cache
09:56:59 INFO [2/22]: Collecting product information
09:57:00 INFO [3/22]: Processing collected information
09:57:00 INFO [4/22]: Preparing to remove products
09:57:00 INFO [5/22]: Unregistering products from Windows Installer database
09:57:00 INFO [6/22]: Stopping LiveUpdate
09:57:00 INFO [7/22]: Stopping and removing services
09:57:00 WARN Unable to reset service DACL. SetNamedSecurityInfo failed. Error code: 0 (0x0): The operation completed successfully.
09:57:00 WARN Exception caught: QueryServiceStatusEx failed. Error code: 2 (0x2): The system cannot find the file specified.
09:57:07 WARN Teefer uninstaller returned 4. See teeferInstall.log for details.
09:57:07 INFO [8/22]: Unregistering EventLog sources
09:57:07 INFO [9/22]: Disabling startup items
09:57:07 INFO [10/22]: Verifying whether a reboot is required
09:57:37 ERROR Failed to initialize SEPRemovalToolNative. WaitForSingleObject returned 258. Last error: 0. Check C:\WINDOWS\Temp\CleanWipe_201405010956315\SepRemovalToolNative_x86.log file.