Rules based on who logged in
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Can SEPM apply rules based on "domain/user" login? So if if they're logging in from 'DomainABC", apply "PolicyABC"SEPM version 12 RU5Thank you. 1422287817
View ArticleVIP Push now available with Symantec Identity: Access Manager
One-touch verification and easy to use PIN makes login easier Symantec Identity: Access Manager (SAM) now supports VIP Push and will soon support VIP Login.VIP PushWhen we introduced VIP Access Push...
View ArticleProActive Threat Protection on Terminal Server
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Is it recommended to have the ProActive Threat Protection module installed on a Windows 2012 R2 Terminal Server or use Basic Protection?If so what are the best...
View ArticleSEP 12.1.5, ADC, Citrix, and HP Blades
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Is anyone here successfully running Application and Device Control on an HP Blade running Citrix with SEP 12.1.5? I ask because the presence of the ADC feature on my...
View ArticleRule to allow application in a folder
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello,Can I add a rule for any application in a folder?My goal is to allow any app downloaded from MS app store on the surface pro 3Thanks in advance.
View ArticleForrester Rates Symantec as Strong Performer in 2015 Wave Research Report for...
Forrester Research published the Forrester Wave: Endpoint Encryption Q1 2015 report on January 16th, 2015. The report examined the top seven endpoint encryption vendors and evaluated how their...
View ArticleCyberWar Games: Do you have what it takes to win?
Share your creative puzzle ideas to win a copy of “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon” Twitter Card Style: summary The best way to understand the...
View ArticleIn-Place OS Upgrade Feasible?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Currently running SEPM 12.1.5 along with the SEP 12.1.5 client on Windows 2003. Is upgrading the OS on my SEPM server from Windows 2003 to 2008 feasible? I see posts...
View ArticleNeed API option to programatically recover end user encrypted disks
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution We need an API or powershell or similar programmatic method to support users for self-service to unlock their own computers disks if they forget their access...
View ArticlePGP Decryption
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution If any machine is not exist on domain.can we decrypt this machine.because when on pgp tray shows the option of decrypt is disable.however i have tried PGP command...
View ArticleError 1069 when starting Endpoint Protection Manager service
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello, how can I reset the 'semsrv' password? I'm getting Microsoft error 1069 "logon failure" when tryingto restart the service.I've tried following...
View ArticleSEP Scans slow
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution We have tried different version of the SEP client 12.1.4.x through 12.1.5 running on Windows 2008 R2 boxes. The client installs fine but, when we run a scan the client...
View ArticleScanning on Non Persistent images
Would be nice to have ability for Non persistent devices to have a scan schedule or flag within the OS to flag it so that upon a reboot it doesn't automatically scan. we are seeing scanning when...
View ArticleMis à jour de "la protection proactive contre les menaces" stagne au 10/12/14
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Bonsoir à tous,Nous utilisons la version SEP 12.1.671.4971, et depuis le 10/12/14, la mise à jour de la protection proactive contre les menaces ne se mets plus à jour,...
View Articlecve-2015-0235
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Is the messaging gateway vulnerable to: cve-2015-0235...
View ArticleProblems mounting SEE 8.2.1mp6 encrypted disk under MSDart 7.0 PE
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution We have Windows 7 64bit OS installed on our workstations encrypted with SEE 8.2.1mp6. I want to use MSDart to recovery the OS when there is a failure.In order to do...
View ArticleMail Security for Exchange Spam CC Users Suspected Spam
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Odd situation.External email is delivered to primary recipient but the cc'd user gets blocked as suspected spam. No NDR is sent to the sender. Ideas?
View ArticleOutlook Scanner vs POP3/SMTP Scanner
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi,I understand from the subject as Outlook Scanner (OS) scan the entire mails while or after its arrival, whereas the POP3/SMTP scanner scans its port which is...
View ArticleInstall Packages button missing, no Admin > Install Packages
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi there. Today we downloaded to two different types of servers the SEPM 12.1 system, installed, and updated with LiveUpdate, etc. I understood the download was...
View ArticleThe Underground Economy of Cyber-Crime
Emplacement: Live Webcast Temps: jeu., 12 février, 2015 - 10:00 - 11:00 PSTPresented by: Kevin Haley, Director, Security Technology and Response Kat Pelak, Senior Product Marketing Manager Webcast...
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